A typical evening in Cow Town! At 3:47pm Tristian and I went to San Marcos for dinner and a movie. We first had to visit the outlet mall for a little shopping but then off to dinner at 5:30pm .....Gordo's (as most SWT alumni know from the square) has branched out with a second location toward the outlet mall. Gordo's exceeded our expectations with hot, fresh mushroom swiss burgers and the evening was off to a great start.
We had been preparing for the new X-Files movie by watching all episodes from the beginning and I felt ready so we went to see the new flick at 7:10pm. (The time line might be important) Since I am neither Siskel or Ebert I will spare the movie review. We left about 9:30pm and made one stop at Hastings before heading home.
This is were the fun begins......half way between Martindale and Luling, we came upon a wreck that clearly happened about 1 min prior to us driving up on it. Several cars were involved and a dead cow was in the center of the road. This poor cow managed to take out 3 or more cars with major damage to all. We checked to make sure that emergency vehicles had been called and then proceeded on towards Luling. About 50 yards from the wreck we spot the rest of the herd.
This stretch of road is VERY dark. We played this scenario out in our heads and realized that this could be a dangerous situation as more cars and emergency vehicles would be racing to the scene of the accident. We decided to keep the cattle in sight and try to keep them from crossing the traffic again. We called 911 several times to alert them of our location and attempt to get help keeping these cows out of traffic but as anyone who lives in the sticks knows....this is a county law enforcement responsibility and the only TWO officers on duty were assisting the accident victims. So after about an hour of holding the frightened bovine, we managed to get them down a dirt road with little to no traffic.
Our evening ended up as an unforeseen adventure. Of course I had my camera and never thought to take a single picture. :(