Monday, July 28, 2008

My first blog...

Today starts a new day in my obsession with the internet. I am an avid reader of various blogs of mostly food and art. As I spend most of my life either in front of a computer or in my kitchen, the next logical step for me was to create a blog of my own.

I am neither a greeting card sender or a telephone chit chatter so in order to do my part in keeping my friends and family involved in my life, I have decided to blog it.

Also, if my 4 month old God Son can write a weekly blog so can I!

Most of what will be contained in this blog will be food because let's face it, I'm obsessed with the subject. I will of course be documenting the uniqueness that is my daughter Riley as she has become a great little cook and artist.

1 comment:

Emerson said...

Aunt Cookie,
Your Blog Rocks!